Step 1: It Starts Local
The first step in becoming licensed with the IN District of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ begins with a conversation between you and your pastor. Before initiating the licensure process with the district, it’s important that you have your pastor’s guidance, approval, and direction.
You should download a copy of the ALJC Constitution and read Article VIII, which deals with the qualifications of membership, national licensing requirements, voting qualifications, rules and obligations, and marriage/divorce.
Additionally, you should review the ALJC Articles of Faith which provides a comprehensive overview of what our organization believes regarding a wide variety of issues.
But I’m the pastor of an independent church (or I’m affiliated with another organization). What about me?
First of all, we’re thrilled that you’re investigating a relationship with the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ! Your first step is a little different than that of a young minister just starting out. We encourage you to do a couple of things. First, you’ll want to have conversations with neighboring pastors that are part of our great district to get a better idea of what we’re all about. When you’re ready to proceed, we encourage you to reach out to the Section Presbyter for your location and set up a meeting. Our Presbyters are invaluable resources and have been selected by the general body of that area to lead, and are men “worthy of double honor” (1 Tim 5:17).
Step 2: License Application
After speaking with your pastor and gaining approval to seek your license, your next step is to complete the ALJC Membership Application. This application gathers basic personal information and spiritual experience for both the applicant and their spouse, and provides the District Board with an overview of your beliefs, ministry experience, financial and legal status, etc.
Your completed application should be returned to your pastor for review. Your pastor will be able to answer any questions you have regarding the application, and will provide guidance on any potential issues.
Once your pastor has signed and approved your license application, it is his responsibility to submit the completed application to your Section Presbyter for processing at the district level.
All applications must be submitted no later than 30 days in advance of District Board meetings where license applications will be considered. License applications are considered bi-annually, at Spring Conference and IN District Family Camp each year (see calendar for exact dates). The most up-to-date application form can be downloaded below:
Step 3: Application Review & Interview
Once your Section Presbyter has received the application, they will review and forward to the full Indiana District Board for review and approval.
Prior to considering your license application, you will be contacted by the District Secretary to discuss next steps and to schedule your interview with the District Board. You should be prepared to answer questions that were addressed in the application, and to defend your doctrinal views. Your spouse should plan to attend the interview with you, and if any supporting documents are required to complete your application, you should be prepared to supply the District Board with copies.